Thursday, July 27, 2006
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
Should the USA help Israel?
Guests: Noura Erakat, US Campaign to End Israel Occupation

"A new poll asks whether the USA should take the lead in solving international crises. 59% said 'no, the UN and other countries should do it.' But there's one big problem - the UN is not capable of controlling Hezbollah or any other terror group. As for other countries helping out, good luck. The latest dispatch from the Al Qaeda killers urges all Islamic fascists to travel to the Middle East and kill Jews. Talking Points has been telling you all along that these jihadists are joined together by hatred of Jews and Americans. The World War III concept is that Islamic fascism has to be confronted in all its forms. But many Americans do not get that, as the poll demonstrates. If anybody thinks we can sit out the jihad, they're wrong. Right now Israel is doing us a favor by attacking Hezbollah. We Americans are fortunate that we have an ocean between us and the Islamic killers. Whoever is fighting the terrorists is our friend; whoever is helping them is our enemy."

Fox News Video:

For an opposing view, The Factor was joined by Noura Erakat of the U.S. Campaign to End Israel Occupation. "This is a political problem," Erakat proclaimed, "that can end with Israel ending its occupation of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights, and southern Lebanon. So long as Israel continues its occupation it will continue to get threats from around the world. Israel has been condemned by the UN and chastised by the international community." The Factor disagreed with Erakat's assertion that Israel is an international pariah. "You had four Arab countries condemn Hezbollah actions, and in this country most Americans believe President Bush is handling it correctly. The world is angry that Hezbollah started this."
Impact Segment
Islamic terror ties?
Guests: Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA)

Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum has declared that America and the west are engaged in something much broader than a "war on terror." Senator Santorum joined The Factor and clarified his comments. "It is important that we define this enemy. We fought Nazis in World War II, we fought the communists in the Cold War, and we're fighting Islamic fascists now. Both Islamic fascist states like Iran, as well as terror organizations that are connected to Iran. This started in Iran in 1979, and they have continued to spread their wings. We need to address Iran through much harsher tactics." The Factor agreed, but also pointed to one dilemma. "You defined it correctly - this is a war on Islamic fascism. But not all Muslims are fascists. It's not as easy as saying we're fighting the Soviet Union or the Japanese or the Nazis."
Factor Follow Up Segment
Profiteering in wartime
Guests: Fox News business analyst Jonathan Hoenig

Exxon Mobil has just booked the second highest quarterly profits in history, up 36% over last year. Fox News business analyst Jonathan Hoenig defended the company and the oil industry against accusations of price gouging. "Exxon Mobil does not set the price of oil, it's set by a number of factors, including demand. It's a highly competitive market and the profit margin for it oil is about eight percent. It is a very risky and time consuming process to get oil out of the ground and to the station. I can't believe you didn't learn anything about economics at Harvard." Despite Hoenig's assertions, The Factor maintained that oil companies are profiteering. "More money is being made by the oil companies than in the history of civilization, in the middle of a war. And they're screwing us."
Factor Follow Up Segment II
Mexican border update
Guest: Author Peter Laufer

Author Peter Laufer, who advocates totally opening the Mexican-American border, put forth his rationale. "What we have now is utter chaos. We have a situation where Mexicans are the least of our problems - child molesters, drug pushers, and terrorists can come across in the shadow of the Mexicans. Sealing the border may be the best solution, but in the meantime if we open the border to Mexicans and let them go back and forth, then we have half a chance of stopping the people we don't want." The Factor countered with a own two-point solution. "The problem is solvable - we can solve it by first securing the border, which Americans want to do overwhelmingly. And the second thing is an effective guest worker program, giving people who want to work the opportunity to do so."
Personal Story Segment
Is troop morale low?
Guests: Lt. Col. Bob McGinnis & Col. Randall Larsen, Ret.

According to a front page story in the Washington Post, military morale in Iraq is extremely low. The Factor spoke with two military men who vehemently disagreed with that claim. "The article is irresponsible," pronounced Lt. Col. Bob McGinnis, "and does not reflect what soldiers really think. Troops inside Iraq have been re-enlisting. The frustration is real, but soldiers complain all the time." Retired Air Force Colonel Randall Larsen also denounced the article and its assertion. "This was sloppy journalism. If you want to measure morale, you don't walk around and ask four or five sergeants how they feel. It's not a lot of fun in Iraq, but the key is that the troops understand that this is an important mission. This came from a young reporter who was not qualified to write the story." The Factor suggested that the young reporter is not to blame. "In defense of the reporter, I didn't see any mistakes that he made. But the higher ups in the Washington Post decide what goes in, and they decide the headline."
Back of Book Segment
Terror interrogations
Guest: Gen. Stephen Xenakis, Ret.

The American Psychological Association says it is ethical for its members to help military interrogators question suspected terrorists, but some psychologists are in open revolt. Retired General Stephen Xenakis, a former military psychiatrist, explained why his colleagues should not help in any interrogation. "This goes back to the Hippocratic Oath - people have entrusted those of us in the healing professions to use our skills and knowledge to help people, and not use it in any way that is detrimental. I am not an interrogator." The Factor was shocked by Xenakis' stance, and argued the other side. "If I'm an interrogator of terrorists, I want all the help I can get. I want a guy like you to go in and talk to the guy because you have more knowledge of the human mind and its vulnerabilities than I do. If you can save American lives by giving an interrogator an insight into the mind of a killer, you're telling me that's unethical! I don't see who you're harming."
Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
Many of you sent e-mails about far left billionaire George Soros, who is now funding anti-American causes in Europe. Some excerpts:

Anthony Spano, Old Forge, PA: "When Soros needed a home after World War II, America gave him one. Since he now dislikes the USA so much, maybe we can revoke his citizenship."

L. Stocker, Denver, CO: "What is really sad is that Soros could be helping people with all the money he's spending trying to hurt this country."

Ross Simon, Fort Worth, TX: "Bill, I have a liberal friend who says Soros does not give money to Air America. If you can prove to me that he does, I'll buy a premium membership."

Robert Gulley, Milan, IL: "Mr. O, instead of talking about Soros, why don't you talk about Bush spending billions in Iraq?"
Books Mentioned

Wetback Nation: The Case for Opening the Mexican-American Border
by Peter Laufer