Wednesday, July 12, 2006
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo
Celebrating the Geneva Convention
"The Bush administration now says it will provide suspected terrorists with Geneva Convention protections, including the part that says 'no cruel treatment.' What's really interesting is how jazzed up the left-wing press is. They're celebrating the fact that Geneva Convention protections will be given to people suspected of attacking civilians, blowing up women and children. Let me ask you a simple question - if a terrorist is captured and has information that a bomb may explode and kill innocent people, are you telling me that we can only demand name, rank, and serial number? Well, that's what the Geneva Convention says - no cruel treatment, no keeping them up for 48 hours, no playing loud rap music. Meanwhile, about 200 people are dead in India and thousands of others are dead around the world because terrorists continue to slaughter human beings for absolutely no reason. So I'm a little aghast that the far left is so happy about the terrorists getting protections. And I'm a little disappointed that the Bush administration has caved in to public opinion. Talking Points believes torture can never be used by American authorities. But coerced interrogation? On occasion this is necessary and vital to save lives."
Top Story
Bush and the border
Guests: T.J. Bonner, National Border Patrol Council & Fox News military analyst Lt. Col. Bill Cowan

President Bush pledged to send up to 6,000 National Guard troops to the southern border, but only about 1,000 have actually been deployed. T.J. Bonner of the National Border Patrol Council accused the administration of political posturing. "This is the President's attempt to sell the public on his amnesty program, and border crossings are about the same as they've always been. This is not a knock on the Guard troops, but they're political pawns in the administration's hands." Fox News analyst Lt. Col. Bill Cowan agreed that the administration has not been resolute, but also listed logistical problems. "It takes a long time to mobilize these people, to train them, and to get them down there on the job. And the Guard is stretched pretty thin." The Factor suggested that President Bush continues to take border security lightly. "The President has the power to move the military anywhere he wants to. I've been a proponent of using 50,000 Guard to back up the Border Patrol. The administration won't even try it."
Impact Segment
Crime wave in Phoenix?
Guest: Fox News crime analyst Detective Rod Wheeler

Police in Phoenix are searching for a sniper who has been shooting people at random, killing at least five. Fox News analyst Rod Wheeler explained more about the case. "This guy is on the loose, and police believe there could have been as many as 34 victims shot by this one shooter. There is no suspect, no one that is even a 'person of interest' at the moment." Wheeler added that Phoenix residents are also being terrorized by the so-called "Baseline Rapist," who has murdered six people in the past year. The Factor articulated the magnitude of the crimes. "You have an out-of-control, violent situation with two people knocking off innocent civilians. It's a very dangerous situation. The sniper here could be worse than the DC snipers."
Unresolved Problems Segment
Drug testing in public schools
Guest: Attorney Rebecca Rose Woodland

Random testing could curtail rampant drug use among high school students, but the ACLU and other 'civil rights' groups are vehemently opposed. Attorney Rebecca Rose Woodland argued that any testing must be done within very narrow parameters. "It's a legitimate tool, but let's make it so that schools have to justify the testing - we can't have unlawful searches and seizures. We want to say that if there's a reason, let's allow them to drug test within constitutional rights." The Factor asserted that random testing would benefit schools and students. "Drug use among teens is a contagion, and random drug testing with privacy rights is an absolute legitimate tool to use. The school's first obligation is to have a safe environment, and random drug tests protect students. The ACLU is against this because they want drugs legalized."
Personal Story Segment
Lance Armstrong accused of doping
Guest: Author Dan Coyle

The Los Angeles Times has published accusations by a doctor who claims cycling champion Lance Armstrong used performance enhancing drugs. Author Dan Coyle explained why the cycling champion is such a frequent target. "Here we have Superman, and doping is his Kryptonite. He's been accused by his masseuse, teammates, a team doctor, and journalist who wrote a 350-page book." When asked by the The Factor whether or not Lance Armstrong has used illegal drugs, Coyle was agnostic. "I'm not sure. On one hand, he's been tested 150 times and has been clean every time. On the other hand, there has been this cloud. I don't know the truth." The Factor denounced the Times for printing unsubstantiated charges. "Armstrong won a case against people who say he was using dope, and I can not understand why the Los Angeles Times would print something that was discredited in court."
Factor Follow Up Segment
New York Times debacle continues
Guest: Fox News analyst Michelle Malkin

Fox News analyst Michelle Malkin has claimed that New York Times reporters tipped off Islamic organizations about ongoing FBI investigations. Malkin joined The Factor and elaborated on her accusation. "According to prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, two New York Times correspondents helped tip off Islamic charities which have since been fingered as terrorist front groups. It's not clear whether the reporters did this deliberately." On another subject, Malkin criticized Karl Rove for speaking to La Raza, which bills itself as a mainstream civil rights group. "La Raza is very radical group with an agenda of undermining immigration enforcement. Their name means 'the race,' and they are the epitome of identity politics. In Los Angeles, they fund one school that teaches ethnic separatism, Aztec math, and identity politics. The US Education Department has earmarked $8 million to fund schools like this across the country."
Back of Book Segment
The Barbi Twins and protecting pets
Guests: Models Shane and Sia Barbi

Playboy models Shane and Sia Barbi are about to participate in a "bikini contest" to raise money for animal neutering. But Los Angeles officials have decided not to accept any money from the event, and Shane explained why. "They got hate e-mails from feminists and people who think bikinis are inappropriate. They were mostly offended by a picture on the city's web site showing a girl in a bikini and the caption 'hooters for neuters.'" Nevertheless, Shane and Sia declared that the "bikini contest" will go on as planned. "We kill ten times more animals than any other country, and spaying is the only way to lower that number. We need money and we need to show people that this is really important, and it's healthier for the animals."
Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
Many of you sent e-mails about the New York Times and accusations that the paper is undermining the war on terror. Some excerpts:

Stephen Reese, Parker, CO: "I'm a conservative and I'm disappointed in you, Bill. You have become overzealous in your coverage of The New York Times."

Angela Zibrosky, Staten Island, NY: "I was sorry to hear Marvin Kalb support The Times. They and others are doing harm to this country."

Ralph Lord Roy, Plantsville, CT: "Bill, your ridiculous attempt to discredit The Times is outrageous slander and you should apologize."

Barbara Morin, Charlottesville, VA: "Bill, your talking points could not have been more truthful. The New York Times should be ashamed of itself."

Mona Ebert, England: "I love the New York Times. How can you say it is biased, O'Reilly, when you tilt your program towards extreme conservatives?"
Books Mentioned

Lance Armstrong's War: One Man's Battle Against Fate, Fame, Love, Death, Scandal, and a Few Other Rivals on the Road to the Tour de France
by Dan Coyle