Monday, May 16, 2016
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo
Personal Attacks and the American Voter
"First, a rock-solid statement: All famous people in America are targets. If you have money, power or fame, you need protection from those who would accuse and exploit you. There is a full-fledged extortion industry in this country that attacks the wealthy and corporations through the legal system. All journalists know that. We know we can find people to say negative things about any public person, and we know we can make any story come out a certain way. And if politicians or a businessperson is involved, it's a lark. Enter Donald Trump and Bill Clinton. Both men have been severely hammered in the American press. For example, a front-page article in the New York Times over the weekend heavily implied that Donald Trump mistreats women. But almost immediately one of the women quoted in the article disputed what the paper said. Talking Points does not know how Mr. Trump treats women in general, but we do know that he is a flamboyant entertainer, a provocateur who lives lavishly. Voters will have to make up their own minds about Mr. Trump's private behavior and that will not be an easy thing to do. The same thing is true with President Clinton, also the subject of a provocative article last week on Clinton Foundation money going to a for-profit energy company owned in part by friends of the Clintons. One footnote: The New York Times did not see fit to report that story even though they have covered questionable Clinton Foundation situations in the past. Anyway, the latest expose is loaded with innuendo about Bill Clinton's friendship with a neighbor in Chappaqua, New York. Again, Talking Points has no idea about that, but we do know that Clinton Foundation money flowed to a private company, which is now failing, for the benefit of people who have helped the Clintons. That in itself is a major story; the innuendo is meaningless at this point. American voters are going to be subjected to an incredible amount of speculative garbage over the next six months. The American press is not fair. It is heavily ideological and will spin all kinds of things to try to get a certain candidate elected. It should not be this way. But it is."

The Factor invited Charles Krauthammer to enter the fray, and the good doctor did just that. "We have a long and distinguished history of a partisan press," he began, "and even back in 1800 the Jefferson press called John Adams a 'hideous hermaphrodite.' Now we have developed 'objective' standards, but we know the mainstream media is liberal and biased against conservatives. In this case, the big winner was Donald Trump because the headline is, 'Trump challenges New York Times and the woman supports Trump.' The whole story was lukewarm and uninformative." Dr. K also opined on the Clinton Foundation revelations. "I've always thought the big story about the Clintons is not the emails, but this so-called charity which is really a slush fund. We know it was used by the Clintons to advance themselves!"
Impact Segment
Trump and Gender Politics
Donald Trump has high negatives among women voters, but can he turn that around? The Factor posed that question to Democrat Mary Anne Marsh and Republican Katie Pavlich. "If Donald Trump wants to win women," Pavlich theorized, "I think he should start courting Bernie Sanders voters. Sanders is beating Hillary Clinton on the left with women. Donald Trump will have issues with women unless he does something to show he's really presidential." Marsh worried that a truly malicious campaign could lead many women voters to stay home. "Historically women turn off when elections get nasty and dirty, they throw up their hands and say they won't vote. That will be to Donald Trump's advantage - he will have an easier time trying to make this a negative campaign that will keep women at home."
Factor Followup
Controversy Over Transgender Bathrooms
As reported previously, the Obama administration has ordered all public schools to allow transgendered students to use the bathroom and locker room of their choice. FNC's Brit Hume warned of a possible backlash. "This standard by which one becomes 'transgendered' seems to be vague and hard to pin down," he said. "Are you transgendered because you have surgery or because you decide at a given moment to be a member of the sex to which you were not born. Democrats are always claiming Republicans are 'anti-science,' but biology says you don't become transgendered until your anatomy has changed. It's odd to think of people with the opposite sex's body parts taking showers in the locker room of the other sex. People will find this very strange and not welcome." But The Factor posited, "In this age where political correctness has really taken firm root, I'm not sure that Americans give a hoot."
Personal Story
A Mess in San Francisco
The city by the bay has become a swamp of rampant homelessness, crime, and vandalism. The Factor spoke about San Francisco's many problems with Christine Hughes, leader of the city's Republican Party. "This has been going on for years," she lamented, "but we've never had homelessness to this extent. It's the result of permissive liberal policies that have encouraged more homeless to camp out in San Francisco and to be more aggressive without any repercussions. The city spends $30,000 to $60,000 per homeless person and the homeless feel they are treated in some ways better than residents of San Francisco. There is no toughness in terms of dealing with this as a public safety issue."
Campaign 2016
The Most Vicious Campaign Season Ever?
The Factor asked Karl Rove whether he expects the '16 election to be as nasty as many are predicting. "If you want to go after Bill Clinton's infidelity," Rove suggested, "that's playing with dynamite. The first person who brings up this kind of stuff will be the person who loses the issue. Maybe Trump needs to counter-punch, but he has vulnerabilities of his own. Hillary Clinton wants to be a victim and the last thing Donald Trump should do is turn her into a victim. Go after her, but on the things that people consider reasonable like the Clinton Foundation and the emails. Bringing Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky into this would be a mistake."
Watters' World
Best of Watters' World
The Factor introduced a few of Jesse Watters' greatest hits. When Watters asked some Bernie Sanders supporters to define socialism, most were simply befuddled. Meanwhile, outside the United Nations, some visitors from Bangladesh heaped tremendous praise on the New York City transportation system. But some young Americans vowed to move out of the country, great transportation system or not, if Donald Trump is elected president of these United States.
Factor Mail
Viewers Sound Off
Peter Stewart, Lombard, IL: "Bill, putting the National Guard in Chicago may help control violence, but will not resolve the core problem: bad parenting."

Bob Horn, Island Heights, NJ: "The president has the power to send federal agents to Chicago."

Alan Melnick, Key West, FL: "Interesting to see you play the race card when it comes to Chicago, O'Reilly. I didn't see you doing that in Flint, Michigan."
Tip of the Day
When Summoned, Think Twice
With Facebook accused of bias against conservatives, CEO Mark Zuckerberg has summoned some right-leaning journalists to California. But he should be the one visiting the media in New York and elsewhere. That's a good rule to follow - when and if you are 'summoned,' only go if there is a mighty good reason.