Tuesday, May 10, 2016
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo
How Partisans are Covering the Trump-Clinton Race
"Donald Trump will be with us shortly, but no matter what I say to him or he says to me, anti-Trump people will condemn the interview unless of course I call him a racist, sexist or any other 'ist' that the left embraces.

"But it's not only crazy liberals who are distorting the presidential race.

"Writing in The Hill newspaper a guy named Matt Mackowiak, who formerly worked for President Bush the younger, says that I, your humble correspondent, worship at the altar of Trump.

"Who knew?"

The Factor then showed numerous examples where it was hard on candidates, including Donald Trump.
Top Story
The Latest in West Virginia and Nebraska
Guest: Bret Baier
The Factor then brought Bret Baier in to take a look at the West Virginia and Nebraska primary votes.

Trump had already been declared the winner in West Virginia GOP primary, but The Factor predicted the Democrat race in West Virginia race before the results were official. "Bernie's going to win," The Factor said. "You can take that to the bank."

Baier said Bernie Sanders' win over Hillary Clinton was not a good sign for the former Secretary of State.

"If you're right and Bernie Sanders does win as he's expected to looking at the numbers now," Baier said. "This is a momentum thing. And this is Hillary Clinton losing another state largely because what she said on coal, one would think. But it also doesn't bode well for her as she comes down to the end of this race."

Baier also weighed in on Trump polling neck-and-neck with Hillary Clinton in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, according to Quinnipiac.

"This is a big deal for Donald Trump," Baier said.
Personal Story
Trump in the No Spin Zone
Guest: Donald Trump
In a must-see interview with The Factor the presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump said he hoped he's win over his many detractors in the Republican Party.

"I would like to see unity in the party," Trump said. "I believe we'll have great unity in the party."

Trump also said he wanted Paul Ryan to remain the chairman of the GOP convention despite the lack of endorsement so far from the Speaker.

The Factor then asked whether he'll be able to fundraise as well as the Democrats given so far he's funded his campaign largely with his own fortune. "We'll raise whatever we need," Trump said.

Trump later addressed Massachusetts' Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren's recent attacks against Trump on Twitter. "She's a senator who's done nothing," Trump said. "She just talks."
Factor Followup
The Female Vote
Guests: Mary Anne Marsh & Lisa Boothe

The Factor asked about Donald Trump's problems with female voters according to polls.

Lisa Boothe, a Republican strategist, turned the tables on the question and asked why we the media doesn't talk more Hillary Clinton's problem with male voters. "If you're someone like Hillary Clinton, you're constantly seeing life through eyes of a victim."

Mary Anne Marsh pointed out that women do in fact have a tougher time succeeding in America.

"We've never elected a woman president, they're a fraction of the Congress, they're a fraction on boards of corporations, they're the fraction of CEOs," Marsh said. "By any measure women are the majority in this country, but the minority in every measurable category."
Impact Segment
ISIS Hit List
Guest: Catherine Herridge

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that ISIS terrorists have begun distributing kill lists with ordinary Americans' names on them.

Fox News Chief Intelligence Correspondent Catherine Herridge confirmed the report.

"For the most part these lists look like they've been drawn from municipal databases, property records, some of them are like spreadsheets with a name, address and a phone number," Herridge said. "And to the extent that they can, government officials here in Washington take them seriously and they feel a real duty to warn people."
Is It Legal?
Bathroom Controversies
Guests: Kimberly Guilfoyle & Lis Wiehl

Lis and Kimberly reported on new guidelines that permit transgender students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond to their gender identity rather than their biological sex.

Lis and Kimberly then reported that 18 people were arrested at an April 28th riot that broke out outside of a Trump rally, but that only one has been charged so far.

"I understand there's a hearing in June, you let us know what happens," The Factor said.
What the Heck Just Happened?
Bernie Sanders & The Media
Guests: Greg Gutfeld & Bernard McGuirk

Bernie Sanders recently said on MSNBC that the Democrat Party needs to fund a TV network to compete with Fox News.

"How insulting is that to MSNBC?" Gutfeld said. "That's like going into a Red Lobster and asking for directions to a seafood restaurant."
Tip of the Day
Obama to Visit Hiroshima
"As you may have heard my new book 'Killing the Rising Sun' will be released on September 13th.

"The book deals with the defeat of Japan in World War II with heavy emphasis on the atom bomb factor.

"So after he heard that, the president decided to go to Hiroshima on May 27th.

"Well I might be exaggerating the 'after he heard that' part, but he is going over there and the atom bomb will of course come up.

"Very interesting because what we found out researching the book will stun you.

"Factor tip of the day, keep an eye on this story."