Monday, October 5, 2015
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo
The Truth About Gun Crime in America
"President Obama and Hillary Clinton are calling for more regulation of gun sales. That is bitterly opposed by Americans who believe the government should not intrude on the right to bear arms. There are logical compromises that should be made, but the issue is about emotion, not rational thinking. Perhaps the best sound bite I heard after the Oregon massacre was from former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani: 'People who are insane and want to murder don't follow the gun control laws.' No amount of legislation is going to stop a madman from killing. There are more than 300 million civilian owned firearms in the USA. So even if you stopped gun sales, which is unconstitutional, there would still be 300 million firearms floating around. In order to stop the insanity, Talking Points will put forth what should happen. Better tracking and record keeping would be a good thing. For example, convicts should not be able to buy guns and the FBI database is there to flag them. Also, if an American undergoes treatment for mental illness and is hospitalized because of it, that should be in the FBI database as well. Yes, there are some privacy violations, but the greater good is served by keeping people with criminal records and mental problems away from firearms. So background checks should be mandatory, even at gun shows and on the internet. Conservative Americans who value keeping the peace should back that. And liberal Americans who want all kinds of regulations are being irrational. Every time I bring up the murder rate in Chicago, where gun laws are stringent, I get blank looks from the left. If tough gun laws don't work in the Windy City, why should they work anywhere else, President Obama and Hillary Clinton? Talking Points has said that all gun crimes should be federalized. If someone commits a crime using a gun and is convicted, they should receive a mandatory five years in a federal prison on top of the punishment for the other crime. That would go a long way in stopping the abuse of guns. Would it not?"
Top Story
The Latest in Oregon
The Factor was joined by David Jaques, publisher of the local newspaper in Roseburg, Oregon. "The shooter's mother had guns in the apartment," Jaques reported, "and he had access to 14 guns. But in our county that would not be an unusual number of guns in one household and it's our understanding that the mother purchased the guns legally." Jaques also urged President Obama to steer clear of Roseburg. "The president is not welcome in the community, and that is not just my opinion. Our chief of police, our sheriff, and our county commissioners have all said that he is not welcome here to grandstand for political purposes. He began his press conference last week before we had even counted the bodies on the campus here, and now he wants to come here and stand on the corpses of our loved ones to make a political point."
Impact Segment
Failing to Protect Americans
Is the government doing its part to protect citizens from crime and danger? The Factor posed that question to Juan Williams and Laura Ingraham. "I think there should be stricter background checks," Williams said. "Just because a background check wouldn't have stopped this guy is not a reason to sit on our hands and not do anything! Every country in the world has some limit on gun ownership." But Ingraham posited that even strict background checks would make little difference. "The most extensive research on mental illness and violence shows that while background checks may prevent some violence on a very marginal basis, it's just not that much. We have to do early intervention with kids who are subjected to violence at a young age and steeped in violence in their daily lives."
Hume Zone
When Will Joe Biden Decide?
Vice President Joe Biden, playing a 21st century Hamlet, remains undecided as to whether he will jump into the Democratic race. The Factor asked FNC's Brit Hume to opine. "I think it's 50-50," Hume said. "It's obvious that he is still grieving the loss of his son and running for president is grueling and a lot to prepare for emotionally. The atmosphere would instantly change were he to become a candidate. Right now we see a man that nearly everybody likes, but once he becomes a candidate, it's open season and he'll have to take the slings and arrows." Nevertheless, The Factor predicted that Biden will be unable to resist the temptation: "His son asked him to run, his wife is encouraging him, and he has given positive signals to some big donors. I think he sees weakness and I think President Obama is nudging him to run."
Personal Story
Presidential Politics
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who remains stuck in the middle of the GOP pack, entered the No Spin Zone and spoke about the race. "A lot of people feel like they want to support Donald Trump," he conceded, "but we'll have to keep working on that and bringing some of them over. Our fundraising has gone well and we're continuing to get traction." Christie lambasted President Obama as one of the worst leaders in U.S. history. "He has been an abomination. I see the president as kind of a petulant child and he always thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. That's a very dangerous thing when you're a leader. The 'reset' button with Russia was a mistake, his policy towards Iran is a mistake, and he's weak."
Campaign 2016
Assessing the Clinton Campaign
Hillary Clinton has fallen far behind Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire and other states. Nevertheless, Charles Krauthammer essentially coronated her as the nominee. "She'll win the nomination except for two possibilities," Dr. K asserted. "If she is indicted she will have to drop out, or if there is something truly smoking in those emails. In the absence of those two unlikely events, it's hard to see how the Democrats would nominate a 74-year-old socialist or Joe Biden, who will peak in popularity the day he announces." The Factor added that there is little political daylight between Biden and Clinton: "Joe Biden is more likeable than Hillary Clinton, but they both are in lockstep with Barack Obama. They both espouse the same liberal line."
Watters' World
Michigan Investigation
Jesse Watters went on a pilgrimage to Dearborn, Michigan, a city that is nearly half Muslim. Here is what a few of the Islamic faithful told him: "I came to America because there was a civil war in Lebanon" ... "Saddam had my father in prison" ... "There is opportunity for jobs here." A few Dearborn residents endorsed Sharia Law over the Constitution, but others lauded America's freedom. "We don't like terrorists," one young man declared, "and we try to fight them as well."
Factor Mail
Viewers Sound Off
Lee Valentine, Platte County, MO: "Bill, insightful interview with Jeb Bush. He doesn't seem to get the anger of the right."

Dee Gandini, Hawley, PA: "Bill, it was amazing to watch Jeb disregard your analysis of what Republican voters want in their presidential candidate. The governor seems to believe voters will judge him by what he did in Florida. Not this time."

Seth Ewalt, Temecula, CA: "Mr. O, you are correct that generals in the Pentagon are culpable for the weakening of American foreign policy. Sadly, in today's military, officers sometimes attain their rank through sycophantic behavior."

Mary Syron, St. Louis, MO: "I am growing weary of Mr. Watters interviewing naked ladies and tattoo freaks. Perhaps he could find a bocce tournament or chess competition."

Alan Cohn, Oakhurst, NJ: "Factor editors should have pixilated Jesse out, not the topless ladies."
Tip of the Day
Ronald Reagan and Bill
Many interviewers, among them ABC's George Stephanopoulos, have been extremely gracious and genuinely curious when talking with Bill about 'Killing Reagan.'