Monday, July 27, 2015
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
Is the Senate Looking Out For Us?
"When the Republicans took over the Senate, many Americans were relieved. The former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid blocked a lot of legislation that could have greatly improved the country. Now there are charges that Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell is doing the same thing. Senator Ted Cruz said of McConnell, 'He blocked my amendment to defund Planned Parenthood ... He blocked amendments to end sanctuary cities.' The reason McConnell blocked those things is that he did not want the bills attached to highway legislation. McConnell wants that passed and doesn't want any controversy attached to it. Talking Points believes the bills Senator Cruz is talking about - defunding Planned Parenthood, punishing sanctuary cities and passing Kate's Law - should all be standalone legislation. Yes, there is a chance these bills would be filibustered in the Senate and would not get the 60 votes needed to put them to a full vote. But let the American people see who is opposing putting felonious aliens in prison when they defy deportation. Same thing with Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities. If those bills are voted down in the Senate, the American people will have some serious issues with the Democratic Party. If they pass Congress and President Obama vetoes them, Americans can better ascertain who is looking out for people like Kate Steinle and unborn babies. If Majority Leader McConnell does not put those bills up for a vote, then he becomes just like Harry Reid and Senator Cruz's withering criticism becomes valid. We contacted McConnell's office and they told us the senator will not block standalone votes on Kate's Law, sanctuary cities and Planned Parenthood. Good. America needs leadership, senator, and you are the most powerful Republican. So let's promote doing the right thing. Lives are at stake in all three votes, and it is time to see whether our elected leaders will protect Americans from harm, including the unborn."

The Factor asked FNC analyst Brit Hume to elaborate on the Senate tiff. "I can not imagine Mitch McConnell resisting any of these three measures," he said. "Ted Cruz is saying that McConnell did not allow him to attach them as amendments to the highway bill, he's not saying McConnell is opposed to them on a substantive basis. But this isn't really about Cruz and McConnell - this is about Cruz and Trump. Donald Trump has blown past Cruz as the candidate of the alienated right, he's sucked up all the air in the room and Cruz was only too happy to get up on the Senate floor and attack McConnell. This is about presidential politics."
Factor Followup
E-Mail Questions Continue For Hillary
Two government inspectors general have reported that Hillary Clinton improperly sent classified material through her private email account. The Factor asked authors Ron Kessler and Hans Von Spakovsky whether the FBI is likely to investigate . "There is no way," Kessler stated, "that the FBI would try to cover this up. Not since the days of J. Edgar Hoover has the FBI engaged in abuses or made decisions based on political decisions. There is no question that the FBI will get involved." Von Spakovsky expressed far more skepticism, far less confidence. "The FBI is not going to be out there on their own, they will be under the supervision of the Justice Department. It's been six months since we have known about this, and any other lower-level employee who was using a private server would have been in court. This is political."
Impact Segment
More on Hillary's Troubles
Juan Williams and Mary Katharine Ham also pursued the Clinton email situation. "Hillary Clinton feels that she is an entitled and privileged soul," Williams began, "and she doesn't have to abide by the rules. But that's not to say that she's done anything illegal. Let's just go with the facts - the inspectors general have said there has not been a criminal referral." But Ham implied that Hillary Clinton is guilty of, at best, nefarious activity. "This server should have belonged to the American people, it should have been archived immediately. But it was not because she planned for this. And now we find that classified information may have been more available to hackers from other countries than to the American public. We need to get to the bottom of this."
Personal Story
Controversial Comparison
Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is under fire for invoking the Holocaust, accusing President Obama's Iran nuke deal of marching Israelis to "the door of the oven." He entered the No Spin Zone to defend those comments. "The Iranians themselves have used that very term," Huckabee declared, "that they're going to create another Holocaust. I've been to Auschwitz three times and the reason that happened is because people in Europe and the United States said nothing like that could happen. Six million Jews died the last time the world did not take seriously the threats to Jews!" The Factor reminded Huckabee that his choice of words was bound to inflame: "You are right that some in the Iranian government said they want to destroy Israel. But whenever you mention the Holocaust or Nazis, people get emotional."
Campaign 2016
Donald Trump Leads the Pack
As the latest polls show Donald Trump leading his Republican rivals, President Obama went out of his way to chastise Trump by name. Fox analysts Kennedy and Meghan McCain opined on the president's comments. "President Obama is a narcissistic blowhard," Kennedy said, "and he can not extricate himself from the political process. He thinks everything revolves around him and always will." McCain essentially agreed and contended that the president is actually helping Trump. "President Obama can't help but interject himself into this conversation, and this was a very good day for Donald Trump because once you have President Obama attacking you, you're the real deal. But Trump has a 60% unfavorable rating nationally and my biggest fear is that he will not reach out to the voters Republicans need to reach."
Watters' World
NYC on the Decline
Under leftist Mayor Bill de Blasio, New York City has seemingly grown more chaotic, with homeless people and low-level thugs on the streets in droves. Jesse Watters spoke with some New Yorkers, eliciting these responses: "It's awful, a lot of people are placing the blame on the mayor" ... "I think the mayor is totally to blame, the guy at the top sets the tone" ... "I'm not happy with the way the city is being run right now." Watters theorized that Mayor de Blasio just doesn't care about 'quality of life' offenses. "Public urination tickets are down by about 1,500 over the past six months. You can smoke weed in public and you can pee in public." The Factor concluded, "The far left wants Calcutta on the Hudson, that's their basic philosophy."
Factor Mail
Viewers Sound Off
Warren Tucker, East Berlin, PA: "Hillary Clinton will not support Kate's Law. She plays politics with everything."

Irwin Blank, Israel: "Bill, the callous disregard for human life shown by the two doctors for Planned Parenthood discussing the sale of human organs and the 'crunchy' procedures of harvesting them sent chills up my spine. It was all too similar to the testimony of Nazi doctors."
Tip of the Day
Broadway Joe's Touchdown Pass
Former football star Joe Namath has set a great example for other rich and famous Americans by putting up a $100,000 reward for anyone who finds two boys whose boat capsized in the Atlantic Ocean.