Thursday, May 28, 2015
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo
The Decline of American Power: Part 2
"Earlier this week we analyzed how the USA is losing influence overseas, which is putting Americans in physical danger as the jihad becomes more powerful. And now the PBS Frontline program is reinforcing my opinion. The most powerful military man in the country, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Martin Dempsey told Frontline that the Pentagon totally botched a big offensive by ISIS. That's chilling. When the Pentagon is surprised by the most dangerous terrorist organization on the planet, something is very wrong. It is hard to believe that nearly 14 years after the 9/11 attack, this country's foreign policy is in such disarray. But it's true and, once again, that puts all of us in danger. Now let's turn to the decline of American power at home. According to the Census Bureau, almost 110 million Americans live in a home receiving government assistance, apart from Social Security and Medicare, which are earned. When citizens become dependent on government to live day-to-day, that weakens the entire nation. Prosperity in the USA is on the decline, as median income has fallen more than 3% under President Obama. Wages are the key to personal independence, and wages are not increasing. Remember, America was built by hard work, not government safety nets. Many of us have a sense of entitlement that is eroding our well-being, and millions of Americans depend on elected officials for their security. That leads to vote buying and corruption. The welfare state that liberal America champions has brought power to the Democratic Party, but it has also created massive debt and sapped initiative. Bottom line: America's foreign policy is weak, and America's domestic policy heading in the wrong direction very quickly."

Charles Krauthammer added his perspective to the question of America's declining power at home and abroad. "When you look at foreign policy," he said, "this administration never had a policy for dealing with ISIS. President Obama's declaration that ISIS is a 'jayvee team' was a directive that ISIS is nothing to worry about. He also dismissed the rebels in Syria." Dr. K then opined on the situation at home and growing dependency. "This is the first recovery where the median income has declined. We have had essentially zero growth, which leads to increasing unemployment and dependency. Also, Obama is among those liberals who believe that a measure of the goodness of a government is how many people it is sustaining." The Factor blasted the media for barely reporting on the president's fecklessness, saying, "This is the weakest we have ever been overseas, but most of the media is totally ignoring that."
Impact Segment
Presidential Politics
Returning for a second segment, Charles Krauthammer surveyed the expanding field of Republican presidential wannabees. "In one way it's a good thing," he said, "because it shows how many Republicans think the Democrats have a really weak candidate. So everybody thinks they can be president. But the downside is how you get the more serious candidates to get the face time and to interact with each other. You have to hope that the field will winnow itself quickly." But The Factor contended that the large field is unlikely to shrink any time soon: "There is no downside to running for president. You get your name out there, you get lecture fees, you can write a book, and you get attention."
Personal Story
Top Stories of the Week
Asked by The Factor to pick the week's most important stories, Dana Perino began with the expanding field of Republican candidates. "There are just eight weeks before the debates begin," she said, "and the field is growing. There is a sense of uneasiness among some Republican voters who resent candidates getting in so late. They worry that there will be a diminishing of the GOP brand as we go through this process." Perino also cited the federal court decision that ruled against President Obama's executive action on legalizing illegal immigrants. "The interesting thing is not that Obama continues to lose in the courts, it's the way the administration reacts to the judges. The White House immediately put out a statement diminishing the judges' ethics and motivation and capabilities."
Watters' World
Watters in Rhode Island
Jesse Watters headed to America's smallest state, which now has a big problem with unemployment and dependency. He spoke with some Ocean State slackers, who had these less-than-perspicacious observations: "My mom tells me to get a job, to stop being lazy" ... "I don't know who my father is" ... "I got into the 'rave scene,' I do all kinds of club dancing and stuff" ... "I don't care about college, it's not the right way to go" ... "I sell drugs, I do whatever I need to do" ... "We all got the same dreams, we're all trying to get rich." Almost all of the interviewees revealed that they get by on food stamps and disability payments.
Weekdays with Bernie
Liberal Values in America
As The Factor reported Wednesday night, a new poll indicates that America is growing more liberal on social issues. Bernie Goldberg opined on the leftward shift. "Are the media elite overwhelmingly liberal?" he asked rhetorically. "Yes, but that is not the biggest reason. In a democracy like the United States, the natural movement and direction of history is to be more socially liberal and tolerant. This poll represents trouble for the Republican Party because only about 5% of Americans identify themselves as 'very conservative' on social issues. So how is it a good business model for all these Republican candidates to portray themselves as the most conservative of the bunch?" The Factor pointed to a correlation between libertinism and the lack of religion: "My parents' generation was much more religious and that's gone in most precincts. It used to be a sin to do certain things, but we are now a secular country."
What the Heck Just Happened?
Hillary Merchandise
The Factor welcomed Greg Gutfeld and Bernard McGuirk, who opined on Hillary Clinton's online store that sells "pants suit tee shirts" and other merchandise. "I ordered a onesie," Gutfeld quipped, "which is quite snug and also edible. I love the pants suit tee shirt, which has no bottom. That's a tribute to Bill because that's how he likes to walk around. It's also ironic that Bernie Sanders has a store - for a socialist to exist, he needs capitalism." McGuirk also had some fun with the Clinton store. "She's selling White House china, circa 2000, and autographed head shots of George Stephanopoulos. Chris Christie is selling his and hers sweat pants, one size fits both, and Bernie Sanders is selling copies of Das Kapital."
Factor Mail
Viewers Sound Off
Kathy Dolan, Wilmington, NC: "O'Reilly, your Talking Points was on target. Half the population is illiterate as to what is happening in America. Too many people are content to live off others, so I'm afraid a Republican president will never again be elected. Please tell me I'm wrong."

Liza Cervantez, Tucson, AZ: " Mr. O, I was extremely disappointed in Miller poking fun at the Pope, and you laughing. He represents conservative views and belief in the Creator."

George Dilanni, Grafton, MA: "When the Pope said we spend too much money on pets, he revealed himself to be a socialist."
Tip of the Day
More Legends, More Lies
The Fox News Channel has renewed the hit TV show "Legends & Lies" for a second season