Thursday, November 20, 2014
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Top Story
Charles Krauthammer reacts to the President's remarks
Guest: Charles Krauthammer
The Factor anchored a special live program immediately after President Obama's speech on immigration. First, Charles Krauthammer provided his perspective on the president's address. "He is making an announcement to all those people waiting to get into the U.S. legally that they are chumps," Dr. K scoffed, "and if you want to get into this country and stay in this country, the way to do it is to come in illegally. I find the president's audacity rather remarkable. He told us why he feels so strongly about this issue, but why did he delay announcing this until he got past the election? Because he knew that if he had announced it earlier it would have damaged Democrats' chances. And if he feels so strongly about this, and scripture dictates that this ought to be done, why did he do nothing in 2009 and 2010 when he had control of the White House, the House and the Senate? He could have done it constitutionally by passing legislation. He's a very skilled politician who has used this issue for six years, and it becomes somewhat offensive when he pretends it's all for high principles."
The President's Speech
Obama's immigration executive action
Guest: Ed Henry
Fox News White House correspondent Ed Henry laid out the stakes for President Obama. "The headline is that the president is going it alone," Henry reported. "He's trying to spur action by Republicans when they take over Congress in January, but it may blow up in his face. Republicans are already calling him an 'emperor,' but I'm told by his advisers that he doesn't care. The president decided to go on offense and set the terms of this debate. Where I agree with Charles Krauthammer is that the president is trying to stay relevant. He took it on the chin in the midterm elections and he is a lame duck now." The Factor remarked on the fact that President Obama cited the Bible in his speech. "He is perhaps the most secular president we've ever had, yet he invoked 'scripture.' I think many Americans are going to be skeptical about the president's speech."
Personal Story
Illegal Immigration
Guest: Jose Antonio Vargas
The Factor next welcomed journalist and illegal immigrant Jose Antonio Vargas, who praised the president's action. "I haven't left the United States since I was 12," Vargas said, "and now with the president's executive order I get a work permit and hopefully a driver's license. I will also get a chance to see my mother because I can go back to the Philippines and return. But when people hear the word 'amnesty,' they think permanent. This is temporary." The Factor reminded Vargas that his experience is not exactly typical "Surely you understand how millions of Americans are saying bad behavior is being rewarded. It wasn't your fault you were sent here at age 12, but there are a lot of people who came here in devious ways and didn't contribute to our society. This is a complicated issue with a lot of emotions."
Factor Followup
Law enforcement & illegal immigration
Guests: Andrea Tantaros & Ashley Jackson
One element often overlooked in the immigration debate is that many illegal aliens have committed serious crimes, despite being deported numerous times. One recent example came in California, where Luis Monroy-Bracamonte shot and killed two police officers. Andrea Tantaros and Ashley Jackson debated that aspect of the issue. "The Department of Homeland Security testified that it released 36,000 criminals who were non-violent," Tantaros stated, "but these were killers and rapists and drug traffickers. That's one reason I don't believe the government - they released violent criminals before and they told us the border was secure." But Jackson insisted that the executive action is a necessary first step. "This is a temporary and almost an emergency measure. This is putting pressure on Congress and bringing attention to the fact that we don't want to tear families apart. Congress needs to take legislative action." The Factor lamented that President Obama and his predecessors have ignored the dangers posed by criminal illegal aliens: "President Obama has known for decades that this immigration situation was broken, but he didn't do anything about it. This guy Bracamonte kept coming back from Mexico, but nobody prosecuted him. This criminal got in here four times, he was caught three times, but served no jail time. The president did bupkis on it!"
Back of the Book
Challenging the president's authority
Guests: Laura Ingraham
How will Republicans challenge President Obama's unilateral action? The Factor posed that question to Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham. "The best course of action would be a lawsuit filed by a member of Congress," she suggested. "The basis of the suit would be a separation of powers claim, namely that the president usurped legislative authority. Clearly it was not the intent of Congress to institute these new policies, this goes way beyond the traditional prosecutorial discretion that presidents have used in the past. I have never seen a president take this much authority away from Congress, so Congress must use all of its tools."
Tip Of The Day
Shout-Out to a Website
The website has nominated "Killing Patton" as the best book of the year in its "History & Biography" category.