Thursday, November 13, 2014
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
President Obama Declaring War on the Republican Party
Guest:Ed Henry
"Fox News is reporting that Mr. Obama will grant legal status to more than four million illegal aliens. The president not giving the new Congress time to put together an immigration bill. That is insulting to the new Congress and the Republican Party is unified in opposition to the unilateral action. And so there will be consequences. In December, Congress is supposed to pass a spending bill, which might very well be blocked in the House, paralyzing the government. And there are a number of other things the Republican Party may do to punish the president. This is terrible for the country, and Mr. Obama has to know that. But he doesn't seem to care. Surely he could have waited a few months and lobbied for what he believes is a just compromise. But no, the president, seething over the election results, has decided to tear the country apart politically. There are some who believe he wants Republicans to come after him so Hispanic-Americans and liberals will rise to his defense. The immigration plan that the president would impose on the nation is essentially an amnesty for millions of people. Some of them deserve a break; some do not. But Mr. Obama makes no distinction, appealing to his left-wing base on humanitarian grounds. By initiating an executive order that changes federal law with a signature, Barack Obama mocks the Founding Fathers and the Republican Party. If he does this, the president will pay a heavy price - now with government chaos and later on the pages of history."

The Factor asked Fox News White House correspondent Ed Henry, who is traveling with President Obama in Asia, for the latest on the impending immigration action. "What I see behind the scenes," Henry reported, "is a group of people who are very anxious. They lost the election badly, but the president doesn't want to admit it. The fact is that they're running out of time to get things done, and that's why the president is racing forward on immigration. That's also why he's racing around Asia right now, he's trying to rack up victories." The Factor again stressed that President Obama is essentially throwing a bomb at Republicans: "There's no urgency to give amnesty to four-and-a-half million people, and surely he knows that the country will be more divided with hatred on both sides. He is lighting that fuse."
Top Story
Immigration Executive Order
Guests:Andrea Tantaros & Jennice Fuentes
Andrea Tantaros and Jennice Fuentes, who come down on opposite sides of the issue, debated the president's apparent decision to immediately legalize millions of illegal immigrants. "I think this would create a stampede over the border," Tantaros warned. "It would also weaken the Constitution and give the president dictatorial challenges. But I really think the media will cover for him and I think President Obama may get away with this one." Fuentes argued that President Obama should take the action as soon as he can. "What's bad for the country is gridlock, what's good for the country is progress and moving forward. We have waited more than 500 days for this, the process doesn't have to take this long." The Factor warned Fuentes, "The president will be portrayed by Republicans as a lawbreaker."
Factor Follow Up Segment
The Shooting of Michael Brown
Guest:Jamilah Nasheed
As a grand jury decision in the Michael Brown case nears, The Factor spoke about the inflammatory situation in Ferguson with Missouri State Senator Jamilah Nasheed. "We're not going to see the same unrest we saw in August," she predicted. "The lines of communication have been open with law enforcement, the organizers and the protesters. That's what needs to happen in order to begin to heal this process, so I don't believe we will have any major violence. It's okay to do civil disobedience, it's okay to protest, but it's not okay to burn down buildings." The Factor expressed guarded hope that Nasheed is correct, saying, "I am praying that your optimistic view holds, but there are agitators out there who want violence."
Weekdays with Bernie Segment
Poverty & Race in the USA
Guest:Bernie Goldberg
Bernie Goldberg entered the No Spin Zone to put forth his theory on why so many black Americans remain mired in poverty. "There are certain factors that lead to poverty regardless of race," Goldberg posited, "and if you do three things you will almost certainly not wind up in poverty. Number one, finish high school; number two, don't have a baby until you're married; number three, don't have babies until you are at least twenty years old. Only 8% of people who do those three things wind up in poverty, so there is no question that family dissolution is a major factor that leads to poverty. The reason things are worse in black America is because there is a disproportionate number of black kids who drop out of high school and a disproportionately high number who have babies out of wedlock. That leads to black poverty." Goldberg savaged liberals, black and white, who refuse to acknowledge those factors. "They blame racism, but that's not an excuse today. And they're not doing black people any favors by pretending it is."
Personal Story
Killing Bin Laden
Guest:Robert O'Neill
The Factor welcomed former Navy SEAL Robert O'Neill, who claims that he fired the shots that killed Osama Bin Laden. He explained why he decided to explain what happened when he came face-to-face with the world's most wanted terrorist. "I wasn't planning on going public with this," O'Neill said, "until I went to the 9/11 Memorial this summer. While I was there I gave a talk, and there wasn't a dry eye in the room. One woman told me that I didn't just close a chapter on the worst thing that happened to her, I closed the entire book." O'Neill also described the moment he squared off with Bin Laden. "He was not surrendering and I was within the rules of engagement to shoot him twice. He didn't say anything, I shot him twice in the head. I'm proud to have been part of the greatest team ever assembled."
Back of Book Segment
Republican Strategy
Guest:Rep Trey Gowdy (R-SC)
Congressman Trey Gowdy, a rising star in the GOP-led House, laid out some of his party's strategy for dealing with President Obama's expected action on immigration. "When President Obama had the House and the Senate and the White House in 2009 and 2010," Gowdy said, "he didn't do a damned thing about immigration. So why can't he give the Republican House and Senate three months? Our first tool is persuasion, our second tool is the appropriations process. No one is discussing impeachment except pundits - impeachment is a punishment, not a remedy." The Factor again urged President Obama to reconsider the threatened action: "I'm not a partisan player, I want what's best for the country. And this is horrible for the country because we want some consensus. This is just going to blow everything to hell."
Tip Of The Day
Discretion on the 'Net
Do yourself a big, big favor and keep all your personal information off the Internet.