Monday, April 14, 2014
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
Will President Obama Stop Putin?
Guests:Juan Williams & Mary Katharine Ham
"It is now becoming clear that Russia will try to seize part of Ukraine, an independent country. The Ukrainian government is desperately asking the West for help, but so far the response has been timid. Talking Points understands that President Obama does not want a military engagement with Russia because our allies will not back him up. Therefore, little is likely to happen to Putin. There is no question that Putin is a villain who is violating international law. Russia wants to seize as much of Ukraine as it can, it doesn't really care about world opinion. And public opinion in America is pretty much non-existent, the level of concern about Ukraine is paltry. Once again, the situation mirrors what Hitler did in the 1930s, and back then the West did not want a confrontation with the dictator. 75 years later, we're looking at a similar situation with Putin. The only question that remains is, how crazy is this guy? Eastern European nations like the Baltic states, Moldova, and even Poland are very worried. They know the USA is a paper tiger. Talking Points believes President Obama understands the situation but is not likely to confront Putin effectively any time soon."

Mary Katharine Ham and Juan Williams analyzed the Talking Points Memo and Putin's intentions. "I don't think Putin is Hitler," Williams protested. "Not only did Hitler want to kill an entire race of people, he wanted to conquer all of Europe. Putin is trying to restore Soviet primacy in that part of the world, but I don't think he has any sense that he would go beyond Ukraine. And I think the Obama administration has been pretty strong here." Ham vehemently disagreed with Williams' assessment. "I don't think the administration has a cohesive view of what to do here. The battle was lost a long time ago at the beginning of Obama's first term when he abandoned missile defense systems in several Eastern European nations. That enticed Putin to think he can do these things and we're now stuck with options that are not great."
Impact Segment
Playing the Race Card
Guests:Dr. Ben Carson
Congressman Steve Israel, head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, has accused many Republicans of being "animated by racism." The Factor invited Fox News analyst Ben Carson to opine. "These accusations resonate with people," Carson began, "which is the reason they do it. And there are some major philosophical differences in our country right now. Progressive people believe government is the answer to many of our problems, while others believe rugged individualism and individual responsibility are important. Those are huge philosophical clashes." The Factor theorized that many Democrats are using race as a protective shield: "It's clear that President Obama's policies have largely failed, you see trouble almost everywhere. So in order to obscure that, Obama and Holder and the Democratic Party are making it personal."
Hume Zone Segment
Controversial Comments
Guest:Brit Hume
After Attorney General Eric Holder implied that he and President Obama are disrespected because of their race, Fox News analyst Brit Hume declared that the two men have actually benefitted from their skin color. He entered the No Spin Zone to elaborate. "The overwhelming majority of Americans believe African Americans should rise in our society," Hume said, "and that enhanced Barack Obama's prospects. He was an appealing person who seemed to be non-divisive and Americans were proud to see him elected. Therefore, he has gotten the benefit of the doubt from a great many people." The Factor agreed that President Obama's race was an asset in the 2008 campaign, saying, "If Barack Obama had been a young white senator from Illinois, Hillary Clinton probably would have defeated him."
Personal Story Segment
Wildcats Wisdom
Guest:John Calipari
The Factor welcomed University of Kentucky basketball coach John Calipari, whose Wildcats recently reached the NCAA final game, and asked the coach about today's college players. "The kids have not changed," Calipari answered, "but the clutter around them has gotten bigger and louder, from the Internet and social media. These kids come from good homes, some of the best kids I've coached have been raised by a grandmother." Calipari also commented on the fact that so many of his players are at the school for just one year before moving on to the NBA and big money. "I wish they would stay with me longer, but you have to let them chase their genius. They know that my decisions are in their interest, not my own, which is why I'm not influencing them to stay."
Weekdays with Bernie Segment
Stoking Resentment?
Guest:Bernie Goldberg
FNC analyst Bernie Goldberg expressed total disgust with race- and gender-baiting by Democrats, including President Obama. "The one thing this president does well," Goldberg groused, "is turn Americans against one another. He's doing it now because he has to desperately rev up his base ahead of the November elections. Democrats can't run on the economy or ObamaCare or foreign policy, so he resurrects this supposed 'war on women' and he goes before Al Sharpton's group and tells them Republicans are threatening their voting rights. Eric Holder goes to the same group and implies that he and the president get harsh treatment because they're black. It is never a good idea for the president to stoke resentment, but this president told us there would be no more black and white America, there would be one united America. That Barack Obama doesn't exist any more and I don't think he ever existed." The Factor lamented, "A lot of people are buying into this message, they want to be victims."
Watters' World Segment
Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame
Guest:Jesse Watters
Jesse Watters headed to Cleveland and the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame, which inducted some new members over the weekend. He asked some eminent rockers for their thoughts on the political atmosphere. A few of their responses: "I have no idea what you're talking about" ... "I never believed that musicians should get involved with politics" ... "It would be nice to have an election instead of an auction" ... "The biggest problem in this country right now is how alcoholics and addicts are treated." Back in the New York Studio, Watters reported on one particularly contentious interview. "When we were interviewing Sheryl Crow and Bonnie Raitt, I asked them about Hillary Clinton and all hell broke loose. They said they wouldn't do political questions, and then they said this was an ambush and unacceptable. Just because there was one political question!"
Tip Of The Day
When Things Get Tough ...
Even when you are physically drained or mentally down, do everything in your power to tough it out and get things done. A big part of self-discipline is not giving in to adversity
Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
Sharyn Pendola, Niagra Falls, NY: "Bill, every word in your Talking Points was right on. Eric Holder is using the color of his skin to distract from his failure to get answers. Like you, I don't care what color he is; he's not doing a good job for the American people."

Bob Matteson, Rome, NY: "Bill, as an impeccably fair man, you should cut Holder a little slack. The race card evidence is circumstantial."

Dennis Long, Chandler, AZ: "To me, the word 'racist' doesn't mean anything anymore. It's been used too much."