Friday, April 4, 2014
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
Why America is Changing So Drastically
"Everywhere I go folks ask me what has happened to their country. We have gone from a traditional country to a secular society where politically correct thought dominates, especially in the mass media. It is quite clear that the founders based our justice system on Judeo-Christian tenets, which is why a sculpture of Moses holding the Ten Commandments adorns the Supreme Court building. But today you could never put Moses and the Commandments on a public wall anywhere, the secular progressives would scream. Enter Jesus, the most famous human being who has ever lived. If you're a child attending a public school and living in a secular home, chances are you know little or nothing about Jesus because the schools are frightened to mention his name. There's a big difference between philosophy and religion, and Jesus was a philosopher on this Earth. Some believed he was the messiah, others did not, but his message of brotherhood was philosophical. Don't you think American kids should know the philosophy behind our justice system? No, secular progressives have wiped that out. Here's the bigger picture: When you have a secular progressive society, behavior changes. Fewer judgments are made, more lenient criminal sentences handed out, abortion and drug use become more acceptable. With a progressive president and a very left-leaning Democratic Party, you have an acceleration of secularism. The outcome is likely to be a much weaker nation with less discipline, less motivation, and less generosity because the secular religion preaches that it's all about 'me.' So the next time you ask me where your country went, I'll tell you to read this Talking Points."

Radio talk show host Laura Ingraham provided her take on rampant secularism. "There is a new dogma, especially in our public schools," she complained, "but it's a secular humanist dogma. Global warming and redefining marriage are the new dogmas, and most of the educrats have that world view. I wouldn't want a lot of these people to teach a Christian history because a lot of the biases against Christianity would make their way into the teaching. In the minds of the secular humanists, Jesus is about old-fashioned judgment, and they don't want to be judged!"
Top Story
Teaching American Kids about Jesus
For another view of the absence of Jesus in the classroom, The Factor welcomed liberal radio talk show host Richard Fowler. "If we decide to put Jesus in textbooks," he warned, "then we also have to put the Allah and Confucius in the textbooks. Our nation is becoming more and more diverse and we need to have education that reflects that diversity." The Factor reminded Fowler that America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles: "Allah and Buddha didn't have any effect on the Founding Fathers. You can not teach American history without understanding what Moses did and what Jesus did."
Factor Follow Up Segment
Psychotropic Drugs Flooding America
34-year-old Army Specialist Ivan Lopez, who went on a shooting spree at Fort Hood this week, was reportedly a troubled man ingesting a variety of medications. The Factor asked psychiatrist Gail Saltz about the proliferation of drugs being prescribed in America. "There are many people suffering with depression and anxiety," she answered. "6.7% of American adults have depression, 18% have anxiety disorders, and more than that have sleep difficulties. But I will say that these drugs are sometimes overprescribed." Addiction specialist Alesandra Rain accused American physicians of handing out drugs far too easily. "Prescription drugs are completely over-prescribed today. People complain of the side effects and the withdrawal symptoms. Ambien is incredibly addictive."
Mad as Hell
What Makes YOU Mad?
Fox News anchor Heather Nauert joined The Factor to answer angry missives from irate viewers. One of them, Mississippian Steve Norton, is upset because people overlook Fort Hood when claiming there has not been a terror attack since President Obama has been elected. "Fort Hood was not technically a terror attack," Nauert reported, "because there were no co-conspirators. But most people view it as terrorism." D.T. Smith of Minnesota is peeved at liberal politicians who don't believe welfare recipients should be drug-tested. "In Michigan there will be a pilot project in three counties," Nauert said, "and if someone on welfare is suspected of being a drug user they can be tested. Their cash benefits could be taken away for six months."
What the Heck Just Happened Segment
Acceptance Rate Comparison
It was recently pointed out that while about 6% of applicants to Harvard get accepted, far fewer applicants to Wal-Mart get hired. Bernard McGuirk and Brian Kilmeade crunched the numbers. "This is apples and oranges," McGuirk said, mocking the statistic. "Only about 4% of the population is on welfare and only about 1% is in prison, so I'm not sure what the point of this is." Kilmeade bemoaned the fact that so many people are desperately seeking security. "People apply to Wal-Mart because no one wants to go out on their own, no one wants to start their own business, they want safety and security. Where are the people who want to open their own deli or hardware store?" McGuirk also had some fun with the news that some pro football teams will allow fans in high-priced seats to get a pre-game personal visit from a cheerleader. "This is not your father's NFL," he quipped. "There are no more concussion-causing hits, there are openly gay players, and now the babes are going up to twerk for the drunks up in the stands!"
Pinheads of the Week
This Week's Pinheads
McGuirk and Kilmeade returned to nominate some pinheads as the week's most ridiculous people. Kilmeade picked Democratic Congressman Jim Moran, who grumbled about how tough it is for a member of Congress to live on just $175,000 a year. "Moran makes three times more than the average person in his district," Kilmeade reported. "He makes the same as a pediatrician or a dentist or a psychiatrist." McGuirk went with Mike Morell, former deputy director of the CIA, who testified about the Benghazi attacks. "This guy is a total weasel," McGuirk declared. "He was covering up for Hillary Clinton and he says he didn't 'deliberately' mislead or downplay the role of terrorism. I don't believe a word of it." The Factor named Iran President Hassan Rouhani and explained why: "He is sending to New York City as the United Nations ambassador a man named Hamid Aboutalebi, who was one of the hostage-takers back in the Carter administration. This is an insult to every single American!"
Factor Mail
Viewers Sound Off
John Schalhoub, Shanghai, China: "Bill, you are wrong about this country. There are plenty of loons walking around in public, and the rate of suicide is twice that of the USA. Lethal crimes are far less common because people do not have easy access to guns."

Richard Ranney, Jr., Greenville, MI: "Bill, you nailed it in Talking Points! Freedom can be dangerous, and it also leads to inequality."

Joey Favata, Syracuse, NY: "Benghazi has been resolved. Stop yelling fire, O'Reilly."
Tip Of The Day
Some Friend-ly Advice
Good friends are hard to come by and it helps if you're a good friend to others. That means making time, being loyal, and being honest.