Tuesday, April 23, 2013
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
Fighting the Jihadists
Guests: Charles Krauthammer

"It is now becoming clear that the Homeland Security Department let all Americans down by not flagging the slain terrorist Tamerlan Tsarnaev. When Russian intelligence alerts American homeland security people about an individual, you mark that individual forever. The fact that this guy was selected for scrutiny by Russian intelligence is huge, and then he traveled to Russia, returned six months later, and U.S. intelligence didn't watch him!. What a massive screw-up. In addition, the guy was posting jihad garbage on the Internet and he was not being watched. That's a mistake that cost four people their lives and more than 200 others their health. On the broader question, it's clear to any sane person that Muslim jihadists are a threat to the world, yet President Obama will not say that. The two Boston bombers were jihadists who believed they had a right to kill children to serve their religion. What other theology in this world justifies killing innocent people? Only radical Islam allows terror murder and that's the truth. President Obama doesn't want to say the truth and the reason is politics. There are Muslim nations that help the USA and President Obama rightly doesn't want to alienate those nations. Also, most Muslims on this earth are good people, but they are not helping to neutralize the jihad, they are not standing up against in any numbers. I think President Obama does understand that jihad is a threat to the world; I also believe he will never define it that way. That's a terrible mistake."

The Factor asked Charles Krauthammer to opine on President Obama's reluctance to indict Islamic terrorism. "I don't know what he's thinking," Dr. K said, "but I sure know what he is saying and doing. The lengths to which he will go to avoid telling us the truth about the enemy is becoming comical and embarrassing. He refuses to even use the word 'Islamist,' which is used throughout the Muslim world. He won't touch it because he won't use any words that might imply a connection between radical Islam and terrorism, which anyone over the age of nine knows is the single greatest cause of terror in the world today. This matters because you have to be clear with your own people about who the enemy is."
Impact Segment
How should good Muslims fight the Jihad?
Guests: Nihad Awad

For another point of view, The Factor turned to Nihad Awad of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. "When the horrific news came on Monday," Awad said, "I was angered as a Muslim and as an American because this attack was on all of us. We condemned this immediately, swiftly, unequivocally." Awad categorically denied that radical Islam is the world's primary source of terrorism. "You are trying to define my faith for me, but Islam is a peaceful religion and the word 'jihad' is a legitimate struggle. Those terrorists using the word are trying to legitimize their attacks on innocent people, Islam is being hijacked." The Factor accused Awad and other Muslim leaders of ignoring reality: "Radical Islam is the primary driver of terrorism in the world. Not admitting that puts you in the category where you have no credibility because 90% of worldwide terrorism is radical Islam."
Personal Story Segment
Tom Brokaw says the Boston bombers may have been motivated by the U.S. drone program
Guests: Col. David Hunt

Former NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw has implied that American drone attacks, which have unintentionally killed civilians, may be partly responsible for terror attacks like the one in Boston. That assertion triggered an angry reaction from Fox News analyst Lt. Col. David Hunt. "Everything about his statement is wrong," Hunt declared. "It's ignorance, it's myopic, and it's inexcusable for a man with his alleged intelligence to say that. We are at war and we do not target civilians, but civilians will continue to be hurt and killed in combat. Drones are saving American lives and allowing us to prosecute this war across borders."
Stossel Matters Segment
Surveillance debate on the heels of the Boston bombing
Guests: John Stossel

Fox Business host and libertarian John Stossel opined on the balance between personal privacy and the call for more surveillance cameras. "These cameras are going to grow in number," Stossel conceded, "and that's okay. The Constitution forbids unreasonable searches, but I don't think a camera is that. We reporters have always said that in public we have the right to take pictures of people, and these cameras are in public. If you are outdoors today, you can assume you might be photographed." The Factor concluded, "Once you step out of your house you don't have any privacy."
'Is it Legal?' Segment
Is Tamerlan Tsarnaev connected to an unsolved murder case in Boston?
Guests: Kimberly Guilfoyle and Lis Wiehl

There could be a link between slain terror suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev and an unsolved triple murder in 2011. Legal analysts Lis Wiehl and Kimberly Guilfoyle explained. "One of the three murdered guys," Wiehl reported, "went to the same boxing gym as Tsarnaev and the coach there described them as best friends. A prosecutor today confirmed to me today that when those killings took place there was not a forced entry, someone apparently let the killer in. The other odd thing is that the slain terrorist did not go the funeral of his supposed best friend." Guilfoyle added that authorities in Massachusetts are re-examining the killings. "This was essentially a cold case but now they're saying there could be a connection and they're giving it a second look now that they know Tamerlan has the propensity to commit a crime of violence." Guilfoyle also attended the trial of Philadelphia abortionist Kermitt Gosnell, who is accused of killing babies who had been born alive. "I've been following the case very closely," she said, "and I sat about eight feet behind this monster. There has been eyewitness testimony from people who heard the babies crying before they were killed."
Back of Book Segment
Jon Stewart targets CNN's Boston bombing media coverage
Guests: Monica Crowley and Alan Colmes

Comedy Central's Jon Stewart gave CNN a merciless pounding for the network's frenetic and often inaccurate coverage of the Boston manhunt. Alan Colmes and Monica Crowley entered the No Spin Zone with their take on CNN's wall-to-wall coverage. "Nothing was happening and they had to fill time," Colmes began, "but the reporters should not be the stars of the story. Some reporters seem to think something like this will make their careers." Crowley contended that round-the-clock live television often leads to erroneous reporting. "This was very unfortunate for CNN, but the cable news environment lends itself to a sense of urgency. Whether you're covering an actual urgent situation like this or not, there's always an injection of energy. There's a lot of pressure to be out there with something that's breaking even when nothing is breaking."
Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
Charles Ceroli, Athens, GA: "Bill, if you can show me how a public family gathering in Pakistan is the equivalent of bombing a war materials factory during World War II, then I'll agree Brokaw is wrong."

Tom Quigan, Oxnard, CA: "Bill, our entire house erupted in cheers when you challenged Brokaw to come on the Factor to debate his moral equivalency argument."

Susan Gordon, Tel Aviv, Israel: "O'Reilly, U.S. support for Israel is not the reason for global jihad. That was in play centuries before America even existed."
Tip Of The Day
Let the bidding begin
You can bid on the new Wounded Warrior Project poster that was signed by all six living First Ladies, including 91-year-old Nancy Reagan, who rarely signs anything.
Books Mentioned

Terror Red
by Colonel David Hunt