Monday, December 27, 2010

Eric Bolling fills in tonight.
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Top Story
Are so-called 'death panels' back?
Eric began with news that the Obama administration, despite the President's many denials, will push for regular end-of-life counseling for the elderly. Health care analyst Betsy McCaughey denounced the counseling, mocked as "death panels" by critics. "The administration is trying to achieve by regulation," McCaughey said, "what they could not achieve by legislation. It's a good idea to have doctors spending time helping patients through the wrenching decisions they may face toward the end of their lives, but government should not be scripting that. The government is actually going to be creating brochures and videos." Professor Caroline Heldman said the counseling is neither new nor radical. "Folks already do this when they join Medicare, this is simply offering it more consistently. And end-of-life counseling is incredibly important - it benefits families and individuals because you choose how you want to die. This is death with dignity and giving consumers a choice. It's voluntary." Eric accused the administration of reneging on an explicit pledge: "We spent a lot of time discussing the health care law, but the end-of-life advisory board was off the table. All of a sudden it's creeping back in."
Impact Segment
Private Bradley Manning... tortured hero?!
Some far-left outlets are complaining because Army Private Bradley Manning, who allegedly leaked thousands of classified documents, is in solitary confinement at the Quantico Marine base. Eric discussed Manning's treatment with attorney Nicole DeBorde and former Pentagon official Jed Babbin. "He is only accused at this point," DeBorde said, "and he hasn't been convicted of anything. Unless he is a threat to other inmates or himself, he ought to be handled like any other inmate. We have to presume he is innocent until proven guilty." Babbin argued that Manning's confinement is appropriate. "There are a lot of reasons to keep him in solitary, not the least of which is his own safety. His lawyers and his sympathizers are trying to make him into a poster child for abuse in the military, and they actually have the nerve to accuse the people at Quantico of 'torturing' this man. That is outrageous!" Eric agreed that Manning's safety is paramount: "If you put him in the general population and something bad happened, the left would be outraged and asking why he wasn't protected."
Factor Flashback Segment
Sarah Palin, reality TV and the White House
Eric re-aired Sarah Palin's recent visit to the No Spin Zone, during which she answered charges that her many outside activities are harming her political chances. "I'm working and I'm having a great time doing it," Palin insisted. "It's been a pleasure to bring Americans along for the ride and show them what Alaska has to offer. And my book is all about American exceptionalism and how important it is to protect it, so I don't think there's anything non-presidential about writing a book." Playing devil's advocate, Bill put forth the counter-argument: "When people see you and Kate Gosselin in the forest, they wonder if that's presidential. They say that doesn't elevate the former governor of Alaska." Palin also took a shot at self-proclaimed women's advocates. "There's a lot of hypocrisy in the women's rights groups. They do not empower women; they make women feel weak because so often these feminists think bigger government needs to provide everything we need. I'm a feminist because I'm self-reliant and independent and I was brought up in a family where gender wasn't an issue."
Unresolved Problems Segment
The GOP's new game plan
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs has warned Republicans that they are "running half of Congress" and can no longer be obstructionists. Eric welcomed former Republican Senator Norm Coleman, who urged his GOP colleagues to resist compromise on core issues. "The American public backed the Republicans," Coleman said, "and said, 'we don't want Obamacare, we don't want debt going through the roof, and we don't want overspending that is crippling this economy.' If President Obama continues to move forward with big spending and big government, Republicans should say 'no.' But if he starts moving away from his far-left base and starts acting fiscally responsible, then Republicans will say 'yes.'" Coleman added that the anti-spending mood extends beyond the tea party. "This is not a narrow movement; the tea party is reflecting a deep-seated concern among the American public about overspending and debt."
Unresolved Problems Segment II
Gaffes, blunders and clarifications
FNC contributors Tammy Bruce and Doug Schoen joined Eric to analyze some recent statements from public officials. They began with Robert Gibbs' muddled response to a question about terror suspects being held at Guantanamo Bay. "The Obama administration really wants the issue to go away," Schoen stated. "The President made a promise that he would close Gitmo in the first year of his presidency, he's obviously not going to do it, so the rhetoric is that of someone trying to dodge, bob, and weave." In another incident, Homeland Security boss Janet Napolitano downplayed the embarrassing fact that National Intelligence Director James Clapper was totally unaware of a major terror plot in England. "I think Clapper is going to go under the bus," Bruce predicted. "Even my dog knew that there were twelve arrests in London. Either they've got him living in a basement or he was watching the Beverly Hillbillies." Meanwhile, Vice President Joe Biden said a "national consensus" is developing in favor of gay marriage. "The only place there's a 'consensus,'" Schoen contended, "is among the hard core left of the Democratic Party. Joe Biden was reaching out to that constituency and throwing them a bone."
Factor Flashback Segment II
Denis Leary in the No Spin Zone
Eric introduced Bill's recent interview with comedian Denis Leary, famed for his humorous rants and observations about the foibles of everyday Americans. "I love America," Leary proclaimed, "but don't you notice how many morons are walking around with their heads down texting in New York City? I'm not saying we're doomed, but we have a lot of dead weight." Leary described himself as a political throwback. "I'm a Jack Kennedy Democrat - I believe in a strong military, helping those below you, and if you're balancing the budget and doing a good job you should be able to sleep with whomever you want." Bill joked that Leary's new book proves the premise of American exceptionalism: "America is the greatest country because you can charge eighteen bucks for this book. But it also illuminates your other point - we may be the dumbest people on earth to spend eighteen dollars for this book."
Pinheads and Patriots
You decide who's who!
Monday's Patriot or Pinhead: Conservative evangelist Pat Robertson, who complained that "we are locking up people that take a couple of puffs of marijuana ... we've got to take a look at what we're considering crimes." Is the pot-friendly preacher a Patriot or a Pinhead? You can make the call by voting here on Last week you were asked whether the Boston Pops Orchestra was patriotic or pinheaded for inviting basketball star Shaquille O'Neal to be a guest conductor. Precisely 50% of you said Pops was patriotic; 50% called the move pinheaded. There is no overtime in P or P, so Eric broke the tie by labeling the Boston Pops Orchestra patriotic.