Wednesday, January 30, 2008
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo
The comeback of John McCain
"Last summer the Arizona Senator was dead in the water, his campaign was in disarray, and his poll numbers were as low as single digits. But McCain toughed it out, just like he did at the 'Hanoi Hilton.' The turning point for the McCain campaign was the Bhutto assassination in Pakistan. Once again Americans were reminded that Islamic crazies are a major threat to the world. Senator McCain is a terror warrior and Iraq defender, and was widely seen on TV urging aggressive action against Al Qaeda and the other killers. Some conservatives still don't like the senator, but face a choice - according to the polls, McCain has the best chance of beating Hillary or Obama right now. One of the great things about America is that you, the folks, make the call. The McCain comeback is a stunning political story, and the media had nothing to do with it. Republican voters in Florida heard it all, and John McCain won. Congratulations to him."
Top Story
Giuliani and Edwards drop out of the race
The Factor was joined by political analyst Dick Morris, who offered this reason for McCain's victory in Florida: "Nobody had realized, until they looked at the exit polls, how liberal the Republican primary electorate is in Florida. Only 27% of the Republican electorate described themselves as 'very conservative.' McCain didn't convert the conservatives; there weren't enough to nominate Romney." Morris predicted that even staunch conservatives will come around to McCain in the general election. "If Hillary's the candidate, they'll wait in line for three weeks to vote for McCain, and they'll vote against Hillary with a vengeance." The Factor added that Rudy Giuliani's endorsement may benefit both men. "There's a tacit understanding that Giuliani will be Homeland Security chief or Attorney General if McCain wins."

News Link: Rudy and Edwards end their campaigns
Campaign 2008 Segment
Hillary-Obama feud picks up steam
Hillary Clinton claims Barack Obama brushed off her attempt to shake his hand at the State of the Union address. Democratic strategist Kiki McLean, a Clinton supporter, called the incident much ado about very little. "She reached out her hand and he wasn't there," McLean said. "I think Barack Obama had a socially awkward moment. The important thing is that Senator Clinton should be talking about what voters want to hear. We've got urgent problems and she's a problem-solver." FNC analyst Juan Williams offered this advice to Barack Obama: "He should accuse her of playing racial politics and playing to the most base instinct of the party in order to win at any cost. He can't be too aggressive with her, he can't be mean to her, but he has to be direct."

News Link: 'Snub' controversy heats up
Personal Story Segment
Kennedy's Obama endorsement splits clan
While Senator Ted Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy have conspicuously endorsed Barack Obama, the extended family is not unanimous. The Factor welcomed former Maryland Lieutenant Governor and Clinton supporter Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, who described her family disagreement as typical. "We've always been encouraged to talk about public issues, to disagree, and to defend our points of view. I've been with Hillary Clinton for as long as I can remember. I certainly have sympathy with a woman running for office."

News Link: Kennedy endorsements all over the map
Impact Segment
Romance lawsuits flying around CFO
David Colby, formerly the Chief Financial Officer at Wellpoint health insurance company, is allegedly a world-class womanizer. As FNC anchor Megyn Kelly explained, Colby is being sued by several former lovers. "According to the complaint," Kelly reported, "this guy slept with at least 30 women in the last half of 2007 alone. The list of complainants against this guy is longer than Santa's scroll." Kelly was contemptuous of all parties in this case. "I'm ready to morally throw the book at him, but I'm also ready to throw the book at these women. This is what's called 'dating a loser.' They barely knew him and they accepted his lies." The Factor advised Kelly to have patience. "I don't have any sympathy for this guy, and it looks like he's guilty as sin, but I don't think it's right to convict him in the media. Let it play out."

News Link: Ex-CEO accused of womanizing
Miller Time Segment
Dennis Miller on Giuliani drop-out
On the day his candidate Rudy Giuliani exited of the GOP race, Dennis Miller entered the No Spin Zone with his reaction to Giuliani's departure. "I think he wanted out," Miller said, "or else it was his health. He turned back on a plane ride because he had a headache, and after that he didn't seem to want to play. I'm happy for him, and I'm happy to go over to McCain. Nothing else on the menu matters to me beyond dealing with radical Islamic terrorists." Miller also commented on the Super Bowl and the undefeated New England Patriots. "I dig it, I like the fact that in a grey world there's a line of demarcation - somebody wins, somebody loses. And I'm looking forward to the Patriots winning. I like them to go 19 - 0, Billy." Ever the contrarian, The Factor begged, cajoled, and eventually convinced Miller to give him the Giants and 17 points, with steaks as the stakes.
Back of Book Segment
Policing the 'Net: Vicious political websites
Internet ace Mary Katharine Ham began with her analysis of how left-leaning blogs reacted to Rudy Giuliani's withdrawal. "The left side of the blogosphere," Ham reported, "has in the past wished death and harm upon political figures they don't like. But they were actually fairly well behaved going after Rudy Giuliani. They don't like Rudy and they're excited that he's out of the race." Ham also pointed out that the Internet, specifically CraigsList, is crowded with advertisements for Super Bowl hookers. "There's a section on CraigsList where they have escort services that walk the legal line. And there are all these partiers coming to the Super Bowl, so the vice industry has gathered in Arizona." The Factor called it a sign of the times. "If you're looking for vice, you don't have to leave the hotel or tip the concierge. All you have to do is bring your PC and pop up CraigsList."

News Link: Escorts use web to score during Super Bowl
Pinheads and Patriots
Who's helping, and who's hurting?
Wednesday's Patriot: New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, who gracefully fended off a marriage proposal at a pre-Super Bowl news conference. And the Pinheads: The people at the far left web site Media Matters, which predicts tough times ahead for Fox News. Media Matters is run, according to The Factor, by "liars and defamers." Nominate a Pinhead or a Patriot by sending an email to

News Link: Video: Tom Brady receives proposal
Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
A sample of your recent e-mail:

Richard Swanson, Grand Marais, MN: "Hey, Bill, please stop calling far-left loons 'loons.' The loon is our state bird."

Dr. Mitchell Felder, Sharon, PA: "The John Ritter medical malpractice suit clearly illustrates why the American health care system is imploding. Doctors are at risk every single day."

Cody Swindal, Valley Grande, AL: "My father died because doctors misdiagnosed him. I can relate to the Ritters."

Delores Carlson, CA: "Bill, lay off Tom Cruise. I think everyone loves him."

Keith Hayworth, Hickory Valley, TN: "Mr. O, thanks for being fair to the candidates. As a Huckabee supporter, I think your perspective has been even-handed."