All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
"The far left in America is stepping up their activities. Last week the nutty MoveOn showed up at Fox News to call us 'racist,' and it seems everywhere you look in the media another far left loon is spitting out lies, the latest being that I received 'talking points' from the White House. That kind of stuff is just stupid, but there are serious issues in play. Over the weekend about a thousand people demonstrated in Iowa against a Homeland Security raid on a meatpacking plant there. The protestors evidently believe that ICE should let illegal aliens to do what they want without interruption. So let's look at what really happened inside that plant. Some of the aliens were physically assaulted by managers, and all the workers were underpaid. Two of the managers have been charged with felonies and almost 300 of the alien workers have been convicted of fraud - they stole the identities of American citizens. So it seems like justice was done, does it not? But the far left wants open-border anarchy and condemns the feds for enforcing immigration law. That's how extreme the far left movement is, and this movement is gaining some ground in America. Talking Points will continue to watch the radical movement closely, especially as it pertains to the upcoming presidential election."
News Link: NYT: Iowa rally protests raid + conditions at plant |
The McCain campaign is accusing Barack Obama of skipping a visit to wounded troops in Germany because he was not allowed to bring cameras; Obama explained that he didn't want his visit to be "perceived as political." The Factor asked FNC analyst Karl Rove about the episode. "It was on his schedule originally," Rove said. "I've counted six different explanations from the Obama campaign, and I frankly think he is being a little disingenuous. That was an exhausting schedule he was on, I think he was tired and didn't want to go." But The Factor gave Obama the benefit of the doubt. "I don't know what happened and I can't read minds, but they should have done it because this is causing him far more trouble than it's worth."
News Link: Video: McCain ad knocks Obama for troop snub |
The latest Gallup tracking poll indicates that Barack Obama has widened his lead over John McCain, while a USA Today poll has McCain ahead. Karl Rove returned with his analysis of some battleground states. Rove on Ohio: "The recent numbers in Ohio are showing upward movement for McCain." Virginia: "Obama is making a concerted effort to drive up African American turnout and organize the state. If he makes his vice presidential decision on the basis of who can help him win an important state, he might reach out to Virginia Governor Tim Kaine." Florida: "We'll see it shift into the McCain column pretty comfortably." Nevada: "That has slipped out of the McCain column into the tossup category." Pennsylvania: "Not all the Clinton voters are on board with Obama. 25% of Democrats are either for McCain or undecided, and that's a huge number." Rove also predicted that Senator Obama will keep his promise to enter the No Spin Zone.
News Link: Gallup tracking puts Obama up 8 |
Last week The Factor revealed that Florida Congressman Robert Wexler doesn't actually live in that state. South Florida Sun-Sentinel editorial writer Antonio Fins, whose paper has investigated Wexler's living situation, criticized the congressman. "We have been critical of this," Fins reported. "We're very big about perception, and you want to give the impression that you have a vested stake in that community. This creates a perception that he is distant, and he should have a place in Florida." The Factor argued that Wexler is deceiving his constituents. "To have your finger on the pulse of your district, you have to live in the district at least half the time. If I have a Congressman who lives in Maryland, he's not representing me. This is a con and it's wrong."
News Link: Wexler only FL congressman without home in state |
Casey Anthony is the prime suspect in the disappearance of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee in Florida. The Factor spoke about the case with defense attorney Michelle Suskauer "The mom is only charged with two third-degree felonies," Suskauer said, "so she's probably going to get out on bond. They're going to let her out unless she gets charged with murder, and they don't have enough evidence yet. The baby could still be alive and they're trying to pressure her to help find this baby." The Factor questioned the wisdom of releasing Casey Anthony. "Why would any judge reduce the bond when the evidence shows that this woman was in direct control of her 2-year-old who vanished. If I'm a judge, I'm not reducing anything."
News Link: Mother suspected in daughter's disappearance |
Oliver Stone's upcoming film depicts President Bush as a hard-drinking over-privileged frat boy who fails at everything. "Cowboy philosopher" Kinky Friedman and columnist Mary Katharine Ham gave the film two thumbs down. "This seems to be so stupid," Ham declared. "The trailer is so bad that it looks like a parody. This will be a bomb and I don't think this is going to make a whole lot of impact." But Friedman pointed out that Stone's movie will be seen overseas. "This could be seen around the world, and foreign audiences do not get the hyperbole or the satire. I care that this country is not smeared overseas." The Factor complained that public figures have no recourse, even when they are slandered. "We've seen some of the script and this is really awful. But Stone can say the worst things imaginable, he can make the worst charges, and no one can do anything about it."
News Link: Video: New 'W' trailer released |
North Carolina has passed a version of Jessica's Law, becoming the 43rd state with tough mandatory minimums for child predators. The Factor provided this reality check: "After our chat with Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, that state passed a watered-down version of Jessica's Law. The three governors most resistant are Ritter in Colorado, Corzine in New Jersey, and Blagojevich in Illinois. And Vermont is the worst state in the union when it comes to prosecuting child predators." On another subject, former White House spokesman Scott McClellan claimed the Bush administration gave "talking points" to commentators on Fox News. The Factor's reality check: "I never once received a talking point from the White House, so McClellan is not telling the truth. He would never dare say that to my face."
News Link: North Carolina gets 'Jessica's Law' |
Monday's Patriot: 91-year-old actor Kirk Douglas, who is donating $1 million to the university from which he graduated in 1939. And the Pinhead: 22-year-old actor Shia LaBoeuf, who has been arrested for drunk driving after his car collided with another car in Los Angeles. Nominate a Pinhead or a Patriot by sending an email to pnp@billoreilly.com.
News Link: Kirk Douglas donated $1M to alma mater
News Link: Indiana Jones star arrested for drunk driving |
A sampling of your recent e-mails:
Lori Boone, Redondo Beach, CA: "Bill, I don't understand how you, Bernie and Jane could say that a number one song promoting a lesbian kiss is not a major thing."
Michael Knight, St. Louis, MO: "Bill, I appreciate your pointing out that the song is difficult to explain to nine and ten year olds."
Razez Junejo, Sindh, Pakistan: "Bill, honor killings have nothing to do with Islam! There is nothing in the Holy Koran that allows for such a crime."
George Kraft, The Bahamas: "Wake up, Mr. O'Reilly! Islam is a violent religion." |