Kennedy relents & Child Protection Registry Act passes
May 5, 2006
You may have heard that the Senate passed the Child Protection Registry Act, which had been held up for two years, and that is thanks to all Factor viewers and listeners who got in touch with Senator Kennedy's office.

Senator Kennedy, as we reported, was holding the bill up, but this week after hearing from you, he stopped his delay tactics and the Senate unanimously passed the bill. What this means is that, for the first time, local police will be able to access a central database that will list all people convicted of abusing children in the USA. That will make it much easier for police in your neighborhood to protect your children.

This should've happened a long time ago, and probably would not have happened for another six months if not for Factor viewers and listeners. Once again, I want to thank every one of you who helped in this effort. It shows you that what we do here on the Factor is very important to the country, and we should all be very proud of this situation.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 11:06 AM
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