Collapse of American Journalism
April 24, 2024

As we predicted, the two news agencies most invested in destroying Donald Trump, NBC and CNN, are wildly speculating about what "might" have happened in the current New York City hush-money case.

Of course, those news agencies and others are producing no solid reporting about factual events; nothing like that. Why bother to do real reporting when you can spin "maybe" tales full of salacious gossip and unproven allegations?

This is just another vivid example of the utter collapse of American journalism. Today, hearsay and wishful thinking have replaced responsible fact-finding. There are few standards on television news, generally speaking.

Imagine if dental standards headed the same way. Anybody could be a dentist if he or she could locate your mouth. That might bring some pain.

Well, that's what we have in the news industry. A bunch of lazy ideologues passing themselves off as honest journalists.

It is absolutely painful to witness.

See you this evening for the No Spin News.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 6:31 AM
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Collapse of American Journalism
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